

I was walking down the sidewalk when I saw Friday, drunk and sitting against the wall, drinking from a bottle of Manischewitz wine.

Friday said, “Hey, Brooks, whydoncha’ come and join me?”

I said that I couldn’t because I had things to do.

Friday said, “So doo-whi, but ya dond see me runnin’ round with a cwazy head.”

I said okay, sat down, and took a swig. It was Elderberry and it tasted just like pie!!

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I needed a break and took my rocket ship to Saturn. I like going to Saturn for a couple of reasons. The two weeks to get there always clears out my head. And second, I love flying my rocket through the rings and watching the pieces of ice, dust and rocks scatter off in crazy patterns .
Anyway, I landed on Saturn and got out and went for a walk. I found a pond with purple water, took off my space boots, stepped in and walked barefoot. Strange looking fish with thirty eyes brushed past my feet. I finally got the peace of mind I was looking for.
One of the fish stuck its face out of the water and looked up at me with its many eyes. The fish said I was fouling up the water with my smelly feet. I apologized and said that I’d only brought enough pairs of socks for a week. The fish sighed.
I felt foolish because I thought I should just have apologized and left out the excuse.
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The View

I climbed the tallest tree in the forest. I got up as near the top as I could. The tree top swayed in the wind.

A bird flew by and landed on my head.

I said, “What a view!”

The bird said, “I know. I never get tired of it!”


The Trip

Hi. I was remembering back to when we took our walk around the world. We were doing well all across the United States, but stopped when we got to the Atlantic Ocean. You said if we held our breath underwater, we could keep going. I agreed and we continued going.

After a while of walking on the bottom of the Ocean, I signaled to you that I thought I couldn’t hold my breath anymore. You smiled, gave me a thumbs up, and mouthed, “You can do this.” This renewed my faith.

I was able to hold my breath and keep walking till we surfaced on the beach in Morocco!

Image may contain: ocean, sky, cloud, outdoor, water and nature

I found this photo of the last time we went dancing.

Image may contain: food

The Well

I went to the well for water. I dropped the bucket into the well and watched it splash into the water below. The water flew up towards my face. I leaned forward too far to try and drink it, and fell in.

While down there, I cupped water to my mouth and took a few gulps. Then I climbed the bucket’s rope till I got to the top, and got out. I was drenched.

I smiled at my dog Rexy, who had accompanied me to the well. She said, “You seem to have no qualms about looking like an idiot.” I agreed. I said that it keeps me sprightly.

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