Getting to know Fredrick the lightening bolt
I was walking out in a field in the rainstorm when it started to thunder.
I’m generally happy-go-lucky, so I didn’t worry about getting struck by lightening. But then this big bolt of lightening struck out from a cloud and was headed my way.
When the bolt was a few feet from my head, I asked, “Hey, what’s your name?”
The bolt stopped and said, “Oh, it’s Fredrick.”
I asked why it said, “Oh.”
Fredrick the bolt of lightening said, “It’s just that no one ever asks.”
I said that I was genuinely interested. I had never meet a bolt of lightening before.
I told it my name. We talked a good long hour. The entire time Fredrick the lightening bolt hovered in the air above me.
Finally, Fredrick said, “You know, I need to complete my journey into the ground or I’m gonna get in trouble. Would you mind if I travel through you in order to do my job?”
I asked if that meant I would get electrocuted.
Fredrick the lightening bolt said, “Not if you think about lavender.”
So I did. And he was right.