Brooks: God, is it okay to be selfish?
God: You should only have your attention on me.
Brooks: How is that not selfish on your part?
God: What’s your name again?
One of my first jobs was working with the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell.
That’s me in the picture, standing with an arm behind his chair. I was paid to whisper in his ear, “You can do it, you can do it!”
Others told Bell that commissioning me for such services was foolhardy. But Bell was innovative in knowing that we all feel like idiots, and can do wonders with a little inspiration.
I bought a crater on the Moon. I go there when I need to get away.
You may say, “Well, why do you need a crater on the Moon? Couldn’t you stay anywhere on the Moon and be away?”
And you’re right. But I got to be honest with you. Just your asking me that makes me want to go up to the Moon right now and stay in my crater.