

You’re a hummingbird in a petunia field forest! So many petunias! It’s a nectar wonderland! It’s like candy x 10,000! And you can’t get enough of it.

Everyone worships your nectar collecting abilities.

How do you do it? Does it even matter?


The Solitary Tree

I walked the long distance across the tundra of Oldentinden National Park until I came to the solitary tree. I asked the tree if it had any advice for me.

The solitary tree said, “Yes, you wait too long in the day to shower. You need to shower earlier.”


Visiting Ben

Every Sunday I take my time machine back to Oxford, Ohio – 1850. I visit my friend, future President Benjamin Harrison. I ask him how things are going with his law studies, and his relationship with his girlfriend, Caroline Scott.

He asks me to tell him more about things that have been invented over the past 167 years. Today I told him about Silly String. He couldn’t believe it!


Uuugghh Aruoooogh!

I used to be a bear cub. My name was Uuugghh Aruoooogh. I loved roaming around the forest, eating roots, tubers, nuts, and berries of all kinds.

My parents though felt that I was destined for much more, and shaved me and taught me to walk upright. I got pretty good at that, soon left the forest, and tried to make it as Brooks Palmer.

I’ve been doing pretty good, so far. But lately I’ve been thinking of going back on all fours, ditching the body razor, and returning to the woods.

If I do, I hope that you will come visit me, and I will for certain let you rub my tummy!


Pile of Dirt

I was out for my afternoon walk when I came upon the pile of dirt.

The pile of dirt said, “I would give anything to be able to walk around like you.”

I aim to please, so I tucked in my shirt, grabbed handfuls of dirt, and filled the inside my shirt until all the dirt was off the ground. It was difficult to get my balance at first, but soon I walking.

After about a half hour I pulled open the neck of my shirt and asked the pile of dirt how it was doing.

The pile of dirt said, “Could you go a little faster?”