
The Ghost

I was visited by the ghost of myself. I asked how it could be happening since I’m still alive. 

The ghost of me said, “When you’re dead, you can go anywhere in time.” 

I said that I couldn’t wait for that to happen. 

The ghost of me said, “You get used to it pretty quickly.” 

I asked why the visit. 

The ghost of me said, “I wanted to see what all the big deal was about.” 

I said, “And?” 

The ghost of me said, “Not such a big deal.”


The Bale of Hay

I was walking through a field when I came upon a bale of hay. The bale of hay noticed I was staring and said, “What?” 

I said that I was in love. 

The bale of hay said, “Jesus, you’re like the 12th person today!”


While Out Walking

I was out walking when I heard, “Hey” coming from the sky. 

I looked up and said, “Are you talking to me?” 

The Sky said, “Yes.” 

 I said, “What is it?” 

The sky said, “Don’t I look amazing?” 

I sighed and looked down. 

The ground said, “How about me, aren’t I wowzy?” 

I went back home and turned on the TV.



Life is all about desperate attempts to be cute, and most of the time it doesn’t work.



I asked the road to take me to the specialist of most special places. 

The road said, “That would be me.” 

I lay down on the warm asphalt and fell fast asleep.