
The Talk

Brooks: God, I’m done asking you for things.
God: Okay.
Brooks: It makes me feel like I’m constantly begging.
God: No problem.
Brooks: Plus, most of the time I ask, you don’t deliver.
God: Fine.
Brooks: Good…What do we do now?
God: I thought you said were done what that?
Brooks: Shit.


Early Days

This is a photo from 1909, of my Great-Grandfather Jorgen (on the right), using his personal computer to send an email to his friend Dennings (left). Dennings is saying, “But I’m right here.”

Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

Talking to the Water

Young Brooks: Hi, water.
Water: Hello, young Brooks.
Young Brooks: I’m sorry that the fish crap in you.
Water: That’s okay. It doesn’t trouble me that much.
Young Brooks: Does it bother you that the sky reflects on you and steals your identity?
Water: No, I still remember who I am.
Young Brooks: How did that Jesus guy walk on you?
Water: Everyone is special in their own way.
Young Brooks: How am I special?
Water: You don’t get sick when you eat Play-doh.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, outdoor and nature


My book has only been out a week and it’s already working on the sequel.


The Igloo

I’m lying on my back looking up at the ceiling of my igloo. I’m worried about it caving in on me. If I were to think positively, it hasn’t yet.


I Saw You

I saw you from the airplane window. You were out for a walk. I waved but you didn’t wave back. Are you upset at me?