Looking for a boost

I was feeling low and unacknowledged, so I and got in my time machine and rode to Ford’s Theater in Washington, DC, April 15, 1865, 9:30pm. I went into the lobby and asked out loud if I could talk with the person in charge of security. A tall and rough looking man named, Geyser McMillan came up to me and asked what was the matter. I said I had it on good information that someone would try and harm the President. Geyser said he didn’t see how that was possible since the President’s balcony box seats were guarded by a solider. I said I had it from a really good source that that wasn’t true. Geyser looked me hard in the eyes and I didn’t flinch. He nodded and ran up the stairs. I followed.
We reached the upper floor and saw a figure enter through the unguarded door to the President’s seating area. Geyser and I entered through that door and saw a man aiming a pistol at President Lincoln’s head. Geyser grabbed the man’s arm and there was a struggle. The President turned around and seeing the scuffle, grabbed his wife and ran out of the seating area. Geyser succeeded in getting the gun from the man, and put him in handcuffs. The man turned out to be the famous actor John Wilkes Booth. Booth was lead away and taken to the police station.
The President thanked me upon hearing that I was the source of information that lead to the arrest. He brought me up on stage and announced in his loud orator’s voice to the confused audience that I had foiled a plot to assassinate him. The audience gave me a thunderous two-hour standing ovation, and chanted, “Thank you, oh great Brooks Palmer!” I was taken by the President and his wife to dine at Old Ebbitt Grill. I had two plates of the Shrimp Etouffee. When word spread through the restaurant of my efforts, I was given another standing ovation, though this one only lasted last forty minutes.
That night I stayed over at the White House in the Millard Fillmore room. I had fourteen attendants ready to take care of any of my needs. I had them fluff my pillow over ten times that night. The next day there was a parade in my honor down Pennsylvania Avenue that stretched 17 blocks.
After that I got in my time-travel machine and came back home. I sat on my couch. I was feeling better than when I’d left. I finally felt that I actually mattered.
But then I started to feel low again.