Waldo the lion

I was out for walk when I came across a lion.
The lion said, “Hey, I’m Waldo.”
I said, “Hi, I’m Brooks.”
Waldo said, “How’s it going?”
I said, “So far so good. How about you?”
Waldo said, “To be honest, I’m a little hungry.”
I said, “I have an Peanut Butter bar. Would you like it?”
Waldo said, “I’ve never had peanut butter. What’s it taste like?”
I said, “Kind of nutty I guess.”
Waldo said, “Sure, thanks, I’ll try it.”
I gave the bar to Waldo. He gently unwrapped it with his tremendously large paws and took a bite.
Waldo said, “It tastes okay.”
I said, “Did you escape from the zoo?”
Waldo said, “No. I used to work for the circus. I got tired of it. I quit about a week ago. I’ve been wandering out and about.”
I said, “Would you like to be my pet?”
Waldo said, “What does that mean?”
I said, “You would live with me. I would feed you. I’d pet you and take you for walks.”
Waldo said, “That sounds nice. What would it cost?”
I said, “It would be free.”
Waldo said, “Sure, that sounds nice.”