Wowdy the cloud

Wowdy the cloud

I was woken by a muffled rubbing sound coming from my window. I looked up from my bed to see my cloud friend, Wowdy just outside. I opened the window.

I said, “Good morning, Wowdy.”

Wowdy the cloud said, “Good morning, Brooks. Would you like to go for a ride?”

I said, “Yes!” I climbed out the window onto Wowdy, who took off into the sky.

Wowdy flew over Lake Rickety Sticks, and Old Mountain Bowser, and the Mighty Mini Woods of Besty Pants, while I “Ooohed” and “Awwed.”

Wowdy the cloud said, “What do you wanna do now?”

I said, “I’m awfully hungry for breakfast.”

Wowdy the cloud said, “No worries,” and flew up to a Pelican whose name turned out to be Rigsby. After a brief discussion, Rigsby laid an egg into my palm. Then Wowdy flew near the Sun. I held up the egg which quickly hard-boiled. It was delicious!

Of Assistance

Of Assistance

I sat in a puddle. The water soaked up into my pants.

I got up and walked until I came to a dusty hole. I sat down in the hole. The water came out of my pants and filled the hole.

The water said, “Thanks.”

The hole

The hole

I dug a hole in my backyard. I sat down in the hole. I fell asleep.

I woke up and it was night. A racoon, badger, ferret, koala, fox, a family of mice, a possum, garden snake, and six squirrels were cuddled up against me, sleeping and snoring. I didn’t want to wake them, so I went back to sleep.

When I woke in the morning, all the critters were gone. I got out of the hole and put the dirt back in.

Sweet job

Sweet job

I got a job sweeping the floor of the marshmallow factory. Sometimes pieces of marshmallow fall off the conveyor belts and I’m supposed to sweep them up and throw them out.

But I’ve been basically picking up the marshmallows off the floor and eating them. Today my supervisor caught me popping two in my mouth.

I said, “Am I fired?”

She said, “No.”

Waldo the lion

Waldo the lion

I was out for walk when I came across a lion.

The lion said, “Hey, I’m Waldo.”

I said, “Hi, I’m Brooks.”

Waldo said, “How’s it going?”

I said, “So far so good. How about you?”

Waldo said, “To be honest, I’m a little hungry.”

I said, “I have an Peanut Butter bar. Would you like it?”

Waldo said, “I’ve never had peanut butter. What’s it taste like?”

I said, “Kind of nutty I guess.”

Waldo said, “Sure, thanks, I’ll try it.”

I gave the bar to Waldo. He gently unwrapped it with his tremendously large paws and took a bite.

Waldo said, “It tastes okay.”

I said, “Did you escape from the zoo?”

Waldo said, “No. I used to work for the circus. I got tired of it. I quit about a week ago. I’ve been wandering out and about.”

I said, “Would you like to be my pet?”

Waldo said, “What does that mean?”

I said, “You would live with me. I would feed you. I’d pet you and take you for walks.”

Waldo said, “That sounds nice. What would it cost?”

I said, “It would be free.”

Waldo said, “Sure, that sounds nice.”