Lunch with Shiva

I had lunch with Shiva, the all powerful Hindu god of destruction.
Shiva said, “Could I have some of your fries?”
I said, “No.”
Shiva said, “Come on, don’t be a jerk. Let me have some.”
I said, “You always do this. You don’t order fries and then you try and eat mine.”
Shiva said, “Because I know you’ll order them, dummy.”
I said, “You’re being an asshole.”
Shiva said, “That’s who I am baby. Get used to it!”
I paused. I said, “What’s wrong?”
Shiva said, “I don’t know what you mean?”
I didn’t say anything.
Shiva’s upper lip started to quiver.
Shiva broke down crying.
Through sobs, Shiva said, “Pookie’s gone!”
I said, “Who?”
Shiva said, “My teddy. I looked under the sheets, under the bed. Where could he have gone?!! Will you come over and help me find him?”
I said, “Sure.”
We got up. I put money for both our meals on the table.
Shiva grabbed a handful of my fries and stuffed them in his mouth.