Interesting but unknown facts about time and time travel

Interesting but unknown facts about time and time travel


Sometimes I like to get in my time machine and skim the surface of time rather than land in any particular moment. I see mountains, storms, sunlight, night, people, animals, machines, trees, water, buildings, and more flit by. I hear a rapid and symphonic warbling intermixture of human, mechanical, and nature sounds. It’s like experiencing a psychedelic movie, consisting of a few frames of multitudes of scenes. I am able to do this by constantly and randomly typing numbers into the time machine’s destination keypad. This also allows me to experience the wind like sensation in time. We don’t notice this breeze when we are in the midst of a moment, with time slowly passing. But this current is the momentum that is responsible for the flow of time. Kind of like the child in a playground, running alongside a wheel, spinning it with the palm of her hand.


Things seem solid when we are experiencing a moment. For instance, right now I feel the soundness of the keys beneath my fingers as I type. But when I time travel back to when I started this paragraph, and hit the slow motion button, it becomes clear to me that microscopic tubes of molecule-based paint squeeze out the densely structured colors of the keys, which are forthwith removed by the unimaginably tiniest of erasers, and again the paint is reapplied to depict the depression caused by fingers on the keyboards. The painting and removal and painting of every thing occur over and over. The actual rapidity of these mechanisms in time create a force that feels solid. In some crazy way its similar to a flip book. I haven’t been able to see who or what chooses, squeezes out, erases, and re-squeezes the paint. The usual given answer is God. But I like to imagine it’s the Universal Infant I like to call Francine.


When I first started time traveling, I kept hearing what sounded like a hum in the background as I went from the present moment to backwards or forwards in time. Eventually I figured it was some kind of malfunction in the Casio Deluxe Timer, and brought it into the shop. Reginald, the mechanic said nothing was wrong with my Timer. He explained that the hum I had been hearing was from Time itself. Time really likes its job and hums when it’s working, just like we do when we are having fun doing a task.

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